Friday, November 5, 2010


This tutorial shows how to trigger lights using proximity triggers. It focuses on how to activate a light when you enter the trigger area and to disable the light when you leave the trigger area.

Benv Files

Google Warehouse Sketchup File.

File Front.

Crysis Level.

Crysis Objects.

Porosity Lens Video

My porosity lens video shows how the movement or action of a person can trigger an activity in their surrounding environment, like when a person crosses the road with traffic the person in the car instinctively knows to slow down an stop for the person crossing. It is to show how one persons actions can alter the actions of another person or the environment.
My porosity lens is to show how the local players actions trigger events in the environment whether it be sound, movement or lights or even the reaction to another AI.
My chosen environment is just a isolated building where theses events can be seen, the beginning starts with the local player breaking the rules thus triggering lights and sound, then the local player runs towards water and thus triggering the movement of the bridge below it to rise so the player can cross the water. Then a lift takes him to the upper floor where he arrives at panels which light up as he runs on then which leads him to the end when he meets his end when he is approached by multiple AIs that have been triggered by the local player breaking the rules in the beginning.

Sketchup Model

Porosity Screen Shots

The AI triggered to shoot the local player

The AI triggered when local player enters a proximity trigger.

The bridged triggered by local player.

The bridges moves when the local player runs towards it.

The red light is triggered by the local player when he shoots his gun.

The sketchup model from afar.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Node Screenshots

This flowgraph makes the AI Grunts attack you on site.

This flowgraph activates the light when the local player enters the proximity trigger and disables the light when he exits the trigger area.

The movement node which moves an entity to specified coordinates when the local player enters the proximity trigger and returns to its original coordinates when the local player leaves the trigger area.

The flowgraph used to move and rotate an entity when the local player has entered the trigger area.


AI walking

I couldn't find a tutorial that focused on how to use a proximity trigger but this was the closest i could find and this tutorial and looking at some forums helped me how to use proximity triggers.

Entity Movement Tutorial.
This is the tutorial from Russell Lowe's website that clearly explains how to move entities using flowgraphs.